Download HPH RK3288 Dual-Boot ROM v1.3 by mo123 for Nagrace HPH NT-V6 TV Box from here, here or from here. You can download latest Android KitKat 4.4.2 stock firmware for Nagrace HPH NT-V6 TV Box from here.

Firmware details
Archive: HPH_RK3288_LP_v1.3_by_mo123
Image: HPH_RK3288_LP_v1.3_by_mo123 / update.img
Model: Nagrace HPH NT-V6 TV Box  
Image file size: 784 MB
Platform: Rockchip RK3368
FW version: 5.0.00
Boot version: 2.19
Model number: HPH NT-V6
Build number: rk3288_box-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48G eng.mo123.20151227.151816 test-keys
SDK version: RK30_ANDROID5.1.1-SDK-v1.00.00

SPMC v13.4.0
- Pass-through support in SPMC now works
1. Enable HDMI Bit-stream in Android Settings
2. Enable Pass-through support in SPMC-Settings-System-Audio Settings
3. Disable down-mixing of audio also in above path in SPMC

Install 'XBMC Backup' from Program addons. Setup backup directory to where you copied XBMC backup zip. Restore backup. Will take a while and need to restart XBMC/SPMC, say 'yes' to prompt that a different XBMC was used to make the backup.

- Support Primary and Secondary Subtitle
- Update rkffplayer for some mpegts audio can't be identified
- Submit a new Blu-ray library
- Increase the access to audio and video and subtitles in MediaPlayer associated interface information
- Update ffmpeg

- Plays 1080p videos correctly

- Install manually, have trouble installing it automatically.
- Choose custom codec for DTS and browse to system/media/codec for already included

File Explorer
- Added NFS shares support
- Samba support(as previously included)
- Fixed the File Explorer German language issue

- Added several remotes from Mele, Beelink, Ugoos etc.

External SD-Card
- Can now properly read/write to SD-Card(Inserted to device)

Also Added
- init.d support
- Multi-User support
- Most apps updated
- BBC iPlayer included
- Use DNS Forwarder app to use apps from different regions, also use addfreetime app to sync paid DNS($2) to IP address if needed.
Single partition for user apps/data
- On 'HPH 16GB' that equals about 9GB & on 'HPH 32GB' it is about 25GB 

Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.

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