Android v1.1.477 update note
1. New game integration (black jack).
2. Allow connection via router.
3. Correct orientation of Arabic/Hebrew.
4. UI refinement.

It looks like the EZCast firmware gets a new update, but my Tronsmart T1000 dongle didn't received it yet via OTA.  

EZCast Firmware v12529 update note
1. Allow connection via router.
2. Fix Spanish, Romanian and Korean translation issue.
3. Do not reboot when switched between 1080P 24Hz and 30Hz.
4. Fix Hebrew and Arabic display issue.
5. Optimize Airplay mirror.

CloudVideo improvement 2014-09-11
1. Support High Quality video and video quality preference for IMDB/Vimeo/Twitch/Vube.
2. Fixs some video playback problems.
3. Improve Ezcast's stability and performance.

Everything you want to know about EZCast previous versions you'll find here

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